
6 Best Athlete Recovery Treatments

Are you looking for optimal athlete recovery on Long Island? Read this blog to learn more about treatments and techniques that we use here In Motion Physical Therapy of NY to help our athletes perform their best.

As the fall sports season kicks off, athletes are gearing up for a busy few months. With all of the hard work and dedication that goes into training and competition, it’s important to make sure that you’re taking care of your body and getting the recovery that you need.

Have you ever had a workout or practice that was so hard you could barely walk the next day? Well, you can thank Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness or DOMS for that. This is a type of muscle pain that shows up 24-72 hours after exercise due to tiny tears in the muscle fibers.

DOMS is a sign that your muscles are getting stronger, but dealing with pain every time you want to go to the bathroom is NOT fun.

Person in Pain standing up

There are many different recovery treatments that athletes can use to reduce muscle soreness and improve their performance. Today we are going to discuss a few of the most effective treatments.

There is some evidence that ice baths can help to reduce muscle soreness and improve muscle recovery after exercise but many of the studies are inconclusive.

This Study investigated the acute effects of different post-resistance exercise water immersion strategies on recovery and performance in male volleyball athletes. The findings suggest that post-exercise hot water immersion (HWI) was actually more effective for recovery than ice baths.

The best evidence is shown in studies of running, so if you are a soccer or football player, or a cross-country athlete- you may benefit from an ice bath! Remember that ice can burn so make sure to take the proper safety precautions. Don’t go in for more than 15 minutes and make sure there is someone with you at all times.

Normatec recovery boots use a technique called sequential pneumatic compression therapy. This is a fancy way of saying that the boots have chambers that inflate and deflate from your foot to your hip. This compression helps improve circulation and promote lymphatic drainage.

This helps reduce muscle soreness and speed up recovery after exercise.

A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that Normatec boots reduced delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after eccentric exercise by 20%.

Another study, published in the JOSPT , found that Normatec boots reduced muscle soreness and fatigue after a marathon. The study found that Normatec boots reduced soreness by 25% and fatigue by 15%.

Soft Tissue Massage

Soft tissue massage is a type of massage that involves applying pressure to the muscles and connective tissues. It is thought to help reduce muscle soreness by:

  • Decreasing inflammation
  • Improving circulation (bring nutrients and oxygen to your muscles)
  • Release muscle tension

Here at In Motion Physical Therapy we utilize soft tissue massage, and instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization to get you feeling back to 100% as quickly as possible!

Learn more about the treatment techniques that we utilize with our athletes

Foam Rolling is a type of self-myofascial release (SMR) that uses a foam roller to apply pressure to the muscles and connective tissues. It is thought to help reduce muscle soreness in a very similar way to soft tissue massage, except you can do this on your own!

One common misconception about foam rolling is that it breaks up scar tissue. This is NOT TRUE.

A few helpful tips for foam rolling:

  • It may be uncomfortable but should not be PAINFUL
  • 5-10 minutes per day is PLENTY. No need to spend 30 minutes foam rolling before or after your practice or game.
  • There are different densities with foam, make sure to use a “Goldilocks” approach (not too hard, not too soft)

Stretching can be a great recovery tool.

  • Restore flexibility and range of motion
  • Decrease muscle tension
  • Help you concentrate on your breath

Static Stretching

  • after practice/games
  • Should be held for 30 seconds – 2 minutes
  • 5-10 minutes a day is PLENTY

Dynamic Stretching

  • Before practice/games
  • Part of a warm up routine to improve blood flow and improve readiness for sport
  • Muscles actively going through their full range of motion
Active Recovery

Active recovery refers to exercise or movement to help decrease muscle soreness. This may seem counterintuitive that MORE exercise will help you recover faster. Great exercises to help you actively recover include:

  • Stationary Biking
  • Walking
  • Yoga
  • Swimming

It is best to perform these activities on an “off” day from your sport, or after a practice or game. You can keep the time on these activities 10-20 minutes, and make sure to keep the intensity LOW.

These exercises help improve muscle recovery by:

  • Improving circulation
  • Maintaining range of motion
  • Reducing muscle stiffness

Get enough sleep: Sleep is essential for muscle recovery. When you sleep, your body produces hormones that help to repair damaged muscles. Aim for a MINIMUM of 8 hours of sleep per night. Naps are great too!

Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids (not caffeine and alcohol!). Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

Eat a healthy diet: You are an athlete and you need fuel to compete! Eating a healthy diet with plenty of protein and carbohydrates can help to fuel muscle recovery. Protein helps to rebuild muscle tissue, and carbohydrates provide energy. Both are essential components to helping your body recover and prevent injury.

It’s important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to muscle recovery. What works for one athlete may not work for another.

If you’re an athlete who is struggling with muscle soreness or other injuries, it’s a good idea to talk to a physical therapist. A physical therapist can help you develop a personalized recovery plan that will help the nagging aches and pains that may not be enough to keep you off the field, but certainly hold you back from playing your best.

Here at In Motion Physical Therapy of NY, our team of experienced physical therapists is dedicated to helping Long Island’s athletes recover from injuries and improve their performance.

We offer a variety of recovery treatments, including ice therapy, compression therapy, foam rolling, soft tissue massage, stretching, and active recovery.

See what Lacrosse Player Ryan M. has to say about In Motion Physical Therapy

If you’re an athlete who is looking for ways to perform at your best this season, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We’ll work with you to develop a personalized recovery and treatment plan that will help you play better than before!

If you want to be like Ryan and stay on the field and off the sideline, contact us today to learn more about our physical therapy services for athletes!